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    (1) He, X., and Ying Z., "Storygraphs: A new visualization paradigm for spatio-temporal data", submitted.

    (2) He, X., and Prasad, S. K., "Parallel R-tree construction on GPGPU ", submitted.

    (3) He, X., and Prasad, S. K., "An GPGPU Based Platform for GIS Vector Data Overlay Processing", submitted.

    (4) He, X., and Ying Z., "TennisMatchViz: A Tennis Match Visualization System" IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2016 in the Visualization and Data Analysis Conference, Poster Download

    (5) He, X., and Ying Z., "An Indented Level-Based Tree Drawing Algorithm for Text Visualization" 19th International Conference Information Visualisation, 2015, Accepted Download

    (6) He, X., Agarwal, D., and Prasad, S. K., Design and Implementation of a Parallel Priority Queue on Many-core Architectures, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Pune, India, December 2012. (25.15% acceptance rate) Download

    (7) He, X. "Thermal Aware Task Scheduling With Artificial Neural Network", WIPGC workshop of International Green Computing Conference, Chicago, IL, 2010, Accepted. Download

    (8) Agarwal, D., Puri, S., He, X., and Prasad, S. K. A system for GIS polygonal overlay computation on linux cluster - an experience and performance report, IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium workshops, Shanghai, China, May 2012. Download

    (9) Agarwal, D., Puri, S., He, X., and Prasad, S. K. Cloud Computing for Fundamental Spatial Operations on Polygonal GIS Data, Cloud Futures 2012 - Hot Topics in research and education, Berkeley, California, May 2012. Download

    (10) Wang, L.; Von Laszewski, G.; Younge, A.; He, X.; Kunze, M.; Tao, J. and Fu, C., Cloud computing: a perspective study, New Generation Computing, Springer, 2010, 28, 137-146 Download

    (11) Wang, L., A. J. Younge, T. R. Furlani, G. von Laszewski, J. Dayal, and He, X., "Towards Thermal Aware Workload Scheduling in a Data Center", 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks (I-SPAN 2009) , Kao-Hsiung, Taiwan, 12/2009, Accepted. Download

    (12) Laszewski, G., Wang L., Younge A. J., and He, X., "Power-Aware Scheduling of Virtual Machines inDVFS-enabled Clusters", IEEE Cluster 2009, New Orleans, Louisiana, IEEE, 08/2009. Download

    (13) Laszewski, G., Younge A., He, X., Mahintha kumar K., and Wang L., "Experiment and Workflow Management Using Cyberaide Shell", 4th International Workshop on Workflow Systems in e-Science (WSES 09) in conjunction with 9th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid: IEEE, 2009. Download

    (14) Laszewski, G., Wang F., Younge A., He, X., Guo Z., and Pierce M., "Cyberaide JavaScript: A JavaScript Commodity Grid Kit", GCE08 at SC'08, Austin, TX, IEEE, Nov. 16, 2008. Download